The first edition of our game is over. Thank you all for participating.
First of all, a few numbers:
🧩 16 riddles
🤼 150 players +
🧠 4 players arrived at the riddle 16
💵 23M SHIBX collected through clues
₿ 1 Bitcoin to win
We are delighted with the participation, given the complicated bear market context, it’s a success and we can’t wait to present you the game number 2.
No one has found the answer to puzzle 16, so the Bitcoin will be added to the prize pool of game 2.
Answers to the riddles :
#1: ‘You have to take your time’
You had to slow down the sound file to hear: ‘I’m not Satoshi Nakamoto’
The answer was: Craig Wright
#2: ‘Around the block 27415251’
You had to search on the blockchain Avalanche. An NFT had been created on this block, with a text for image: #99 has a cute name. The answer was the name of the Avalanche Dog number 99: Capuccino
#3: ‘In the land of the blind, he is the king’
You had to decipher the Braille text to read the title of the riddle. The answer was: One-eyed man
#4: ‘Times’
Satoshi Nakamoto included the text of this Times headline in the first Bitcoin block. The answer was: Genesis
#5: ‘Alt’
You had to decipher these words in alt-code to understand that they were the 4 elements. The missing element was air. Its alt code was the answer: 97105114
#6: ‘Blue’
You had to look for the color code of this blue with a pipette to realize that it was Klein blue. The answer was Klein
#7: ‘To have a drink in a live window on Dublin’
If you type ‘live window Dublin’ on google you will find a live webcam of a street in Dublin where you can find one of the most famous bars of the city: The Temple Bar
#8: ‘When a wise man points at the moon, the fool looks at the finger’
As the saying goes, sometimes you have to look elsewhere to find the truth. The answer was not in the image but in the name of the image file: Ladybird
#9: ‘256 dogs’
You had to understand that there were 256 dogs, make the parallel with Bitcoin and the SHA-256: you had to find the SHA-256 of the word dog: cd6357efdd966de8c0cb2f876cc89ec74ce35f0968e11743987084bd42fb8944
#10: ‘Hal x Hal’
Hal Finney loved to run! If you google him and find pictures of him running in competition, you can see two bibs: 85 and 415. 85 x 415: 35275
#11: ‘Hodor’
Reference to holders of a token that holds up well despite difficulties, the answer was the number of holders of $SHIBX: 6225 (a margin of error was accepted in real time to adapt to changes)
#12: ‘hanging on a wire hanging on a train hanging on a building hanging on a plane’
Who can hang like that?! Only Ethan Hunt in Mission Impossible, the answer was: Tom Cruise
#13: ‘Big Apple’
You had to understand that the apple referred to New York. Then that the numbers were its streets, at this address, a famous New York burger restaurant: Shake Shack
#14: ‘If I was here’
One of the most complicated puzzles. It was necessary to understand that ‘if’ here was not a word but a proper name and a place. The ‘Château d’If’ in France where the Count of Monte Cristo, the famous character of the writer Alexandre Dumas, was locked up. The answer was: Edmond Dantes
#15: ‘The Last Supper’
It was necessary to seek the common point between all the characters represented on this fresco, they were all: left-handed
#16: ’57 -4'
The answer was not just in the numbers but also in the colors. You had to get the color codes and match them to the numbers. These were actually coordinates (57.345800,-4.396882) that would have led you to a famous lake in Scotland: Loch Ness
The first game is finished, we hope you enjoyed it! We are already working on a second game where there will be more puzzles and an even bigger prize!
And congratulations to all participants, the four players who reach level 16 will receive 5M $SHIBX each, contact us to receive your prize!